Display shells and has pipe display Shells

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K8031  3"Display Shell  72/1 (3寸礼花弹)
K8041  4"Display Shell 36/1 (4寸礼花弹)
K8051  5"Display Shell  24/1 (5寸礼花弹)
K8061  6"Display Shell  8/1 (6寸礼花弹)
K8081  8"Display Shell  6/1 (8寸礼花弹)
K8010  10"Display Shell  2/1 (10寸礼花弹)
K8012   12"Display Shell 2/1 (12寸礼花弹)

Display shell

WZ8031  3"Canister shell, small 48/1
WZ8031  3"Canister shell, small  32/1
WZ8041  4"Canister shell, small 18/1
WZ8041  4"Canister shell, small 18/1
WZ8051  5"Canister shell, small 12/1
WZ8051   5"Canister shell, small 12/1

Display shell

Display shell

We can produce the 2"-16" all kinds of effects of display shell. Here are part of pictures.
If you are interested in it,please contact us.


Tel:+86 795 8900600,8900700   Fax:+86 795 8900800,8900900
http://www.chinafireworks.net     E-mail:

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